
Voting for Jackie

The Ranker

 Moving UpOn Top
Songs and Albums vote vote
Singer and Voice vote vote

The Top Tens

Vote once a week per poll. Anonymous.
If more than one choice for Jackie in a poll, vote based on your view of importance:
  • top 20 : Jackie shows up on 1st page of selections
  • top 10 : relevant Jackie photo often included for visual recognition
    voteRecent Polls
     Moving UpOn Top
    Songs vote vote
    Albums vote vote
    Singer vote vote
    Voice vote vote
    Other vote vote


    Vote once only per poll. Login required.
    Best Female Crossover Vocalist vote
    Best Female Singer Today vote
    Best Singer in the World vote
    Best Duet with Jackie vote
    Best Singer vote
    Best Singer Anywhere vote
    Best Singer of the USA vote